Understanding How Five Women Make Meaning of Their Temporal Environment While Experiencing Homelessness

Laurie Knis-Matthews, Kimberly Theobald, Kyla Vacchio, Dhara Patel, Julia Roller, Therese D’Adezzio, Paige Garramone

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This qualitative study explores how five women perceived time while experiencing homelessness. Using in-depth interviewing, three themes emerged; 1: Homelessness is a complex, chaotic experience that changes within blended moments of time as I move from place to place. 2: Outside events influenced how I perceived and structured my time while homeless. 3: Now that I have a permanent place to live, I am taking the time to participate in new occupations and learn how to live a better life. These findings support a more nuanced understanding of time to inform work with people experiencing homelessness.

Original languageEnglish
JournalOccupational Therapy in Mental Health
StateAccepted/In press - 2024


  • homelessness
  • lived experiences
  • temporal environment


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