Tailored Solid-State Carbohydrate Nanostructures Based on Star-Shaped Discrete Block Co-Oligomers

Takuya Isono, Ryoya Komaki, Nao Kawakami, Kai Chen, Hsin Lung Chen, Chaehun Lee, Kazushige Suzuki, Brian J. Ree, Hiroaki Mamiya, Takuya Yamamoto, Redouane Borsali, Kenji Tajima, Toshifumi Satoh

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

16 Scopus citations


Carbohydrates are key building blocks for advanced functional materials owing to their biological functions and unique material properties. Here, we propose a star-shaped discrete block co-oligomer (BCO) platform to access carbohydrate nanostructures in bulk and thin-film states via the microphase separation of immiscible carbohydrate and hydrophobic blocks (maltooligosaccharides with 1-4 glucose units and solanesol, respectively). BCOs with various star-shaped architectures and saccharide volume fractions were synthesized using a modular approach. In the bulk, the BCOs self-assembled into common lamellar, cylindrical, and spherical carbohydrate microdomains as well as double gyroid, hexagonally perforated lamellar, and Fddd network morphologies with domain spacings of ∼7 nm. In thin films, long-range-ordered periodic carbohydrate microdomains were fabricated via spin coating. Such controlled spatial arrangements of functional carbohydrate moieties on the nanoscale have great application potential in biomedical and nanofabrication fields.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3978-3989
Number of pages12
Issue number9
StatePublished - 12 Sep 2022


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