Efficient wireless Internet access system

Kai Y. Eng, Zhao Liu, Jin Der Wang, Ta Shing Chu, Mark J. Karol, Pramod Pancha

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


We propose and describe an efficient wireless local access system for high-speed Internet users at home, school or business. This system takes advantage of the asymmetric traffic characteristic of popular Internet services (such as web search and ftp) to realize very high system capacity and very low delay response time to users due to effective statistical multiplexing. Specifically, the system provides subscribers with 10-Mb/s downlink (base-to-user) and 2-Mb/s uplink (user-to-base) speeds by using a three-cell frequency reuse plan with packet-mode sectorized base-station antennas. Using the 2-GHz band as an example, the cell radius can be up to 5 miles, and the total number of active users in each cell can be in excess of 15,000 with delay bounds commensurate with today's typical web services. Our design discussions include considerations for radio propagation, link budget, inter-cell interference, signal-to-interference ratio, high-speed modem, base-station gateway and capacity estimates.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
StatePublished - 1997
EventProceedings of the 1997 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference. Part 2 (of 3) - Phoenix, AZ, USA
Duration: 3 Nov 19978 Nov 1997


ConferenceProceedings of the 1997 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference. Part 2 (of 3)
CityPhoenix, AZ, USA


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