Economical feasibility of bio-oil production from sewage sludge through Pyrolysis

Chunhua Xin, Jinyu Zhao, Roger Ruan, Min M. Addy, Shiyu Liu, Dongyan Mu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

12 Scopus citations


Pyrolysis can lower the environmental impacts and improve resource utilization. A multi-stage comprehensive assessment model was developed to assess the economic feasibility of sludge pyrolysis. The indicator of gross process yield was used to evaluate the energy conversion efficiency of the different pathways. A comprehensive technoeconomic analysis was used to quantify the technical and economic performance of the pathway through uniform monetary measurement standards. Sensitivity analysis was used to determine the uncertainty and risk. The pathway with the highest gross process yield was selected to assess the feasibility using comprehensive techno-economic analysis considering different value. The estimated break even selling price of bio-oil was very close to the average crude oil of recent five years when considering economic, social, and environmental value. The main key factors affecting the economics of system were crude oil price, bio-oil lower heating value, bio-oil yield, and energy consumption of the pyrolysis process.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)459-467
Number of pages9
JournalThermal Science
StatePublished - 2018


  • Energy conversion efficiency
  • Multi-stage comprehensive assessment
  • Pyrolysis
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Sludge
  • Techno-economic analysis


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