Development and validation of regression-based QSAR models for quantification of contributions of molecular fragments to skin sensitization potency of diverse organic chemicals

A. Nandy, S. Kar, K. Roy

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Scopus citations


In our present work, we have developed regression-based QSAR models for skin sensitization potential of 51 diverse organic chemicals. The objective behind the present work is to determine the influence of different molecular features on the skin sensitizing potential of chemicals. Among several models developed, the two best ones are discussed to unveil specific information regarding the contribution of different structural and physicochemical features towards the property of skin sensitization. The QSAR models suggested that aromatic compounds are more skin sensitizing than aliphatic ones, but in the case of carbonyl compounds, aliphatic ones are more skin sensitizing than aromatic ones. Other descriptors such as LUMO and <2-Atype_H-47> signify the importance of the electrophilic and hydrophilic character respectively of the molecules for showing skin sensitizing property. Another two descriptors, <Dipole-mag-2.72> and 3χC also exert significant contributions towards the skin sensitization potential of the chemicals. Further, it is observed that the nitrogen atoms (nN), triple bonds (nTB) and also the fragment Al-C(=X)-Al (Atype_C38) are responsible for skin sensitizing property. All the above information provides additional support for further research involving identification of the skin sensitization potential of new chemicals.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1009-1023
Number of pages15
JournalSAR and QSAR in Environmental Research
Issue number12
StatePublished - 2013


  • LLNA test
  • OECD
  • QSAR
  • skin sensitization


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