Availability & willingness of psychologists to treat infants and young children: Data from one state

Keri Giordano, Richard LaTourette, Sarah O'Rourke, Sadaysia Baker, Emily Breen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Infants and young children often experience events that challenge their mental health status. Earlier intervention has shown long term positive outcomes; however, psychologists are not always trained to provide these services. This study attempts to describe the availability of psychological services in one northeastern state of the United States for infants and young children under the age of five. In this state, of the 234 licensed psychologists who participated, 59 psychologists reported being willing to work with children under five; only 29 would treat a child under two. Less than half of psychologists who do not treat infants and young children refer them to an appropriate resource. Other barriers identified include lack of providers who accept insurance and availability of services in a language other than English. This study identified a need to more fully understand who is providing services to meet the mental health needs of infants, young children, and families and to implement systemic changes to make these services available to all who need them.

Original languageEnglish
Article number106195
JournalChildren and Youth Services Review
StatePublished - Oct 2021


  • Availability of psychological services
  • Barriers to mental health services
  • Early childhood
  • Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH)


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