A comparison of coping strategies used by parents of children with disabilities and parents of children without disabilities

Angela Paster, David Brandwein, Joanne Walsh

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

59 Scopus citations


The purpose of this study was to determine whether coping strategies differ in parents of children with disabilities and parents of children without disabilities. Participants consisted of 112 parents, including 50 parents of children with disabilities and 62 parents of children without disabilities. It was hypothesized that coping strategies would be different between the two parent groups. It was also hypothesized that parents of children with disabilities would Seek Social Support and utilize Planful Problem Solving more often than parents of children without disabilities. Coping strategies employed were significantly different between the groups. Seeking Social Support was a more commonly used method of coping among parents of children with disabilities, as was Escape Avoidance and Positive Reappraisal.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1337-1342
Number of pages6
JournalResearch in Developmental Disabilities
Issue number6
StatePublished - Nov 2009


  • Coping strategies
  • Parents of children with disabilities


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